Here is an overall look at my setup which is on a desk with a rollout keyboard compartment underneath. |
This is obviously the most important product that you will need for your setup - An unpainted model! |
For gluing your models together you should use plastic glue , I use CONTACTA PROFESSIONAL. |
Here is your most trusty tool... the brush! Brushes are colour-coded in the CITADEL world. Light Orange = Superfine Detail Yellow = Fine Detail Black = Starter Brush |
You can find that sometimes your pieces of your model can become ruined during the clipping process so you my want to file down any rough edges using a file. |
Sometimes your models base - the black stand it is on - can look a bit bland, so you can put on some terrain like this sand terrain I have here. In later tutorials i'll show you how to use it. |
Sometimes when you are trying to paint the eyes it can be a little tricky so I use the sharp end of this dart and dab some paint onto it and lightly poke the eyes on my model. |
The 'Chaos Black' spray paint is quite commonly used for 'Undercoat Black' for the models such as an Imperial Bastion or Ork Stronghold. |
And finally we have our small cup with some water in it to clean our paintbrushes. |
Thanks for reading and watching and sorry for the shaky video, I tried to stabilize it using the YouTube video editor but it just made it look like a slow motion pendulum.
Really informative post wee man. always. Lee x